KRONIS heads to the Navarre finals of the Emprende 21 Awards

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Today marks an exciting milestone for KRONIS, as we are pleased to announce that we have reached the Navarre finals of the Emprende 21 Awards! Organized by La Caixa, this event is a unique opportunity for us to showcase our innovative platform.

What is Emprende 21?

Emprende 21 is a program promoted by CaixaBank through DayOne that aims to promote entrepreneurship and innovation, in addition to highlighting the most promising startups in the region to provide them with visibility, recognition and access to a network of influential contacts. The awards are co-sponsored by Enisa in Spain and Banco BPI in Portugal.

What does it mean for KRONIS?

For us, reaching the Navarre finals is a significant achievement. It means that our work is being recognized and valued by experts in the field of innovation and entrepreneurship. Additionally, we have the chance to win the top prize, which would give us exposure in 17 media outlets.

What will happen at the Navarre finals?

The event will take place on Thursday, May 9, 2024, at the Ágora Dirección Territorial in Pamplona. It will be an exciting occasion where we will present our project to an expert jury and answer their questions for 3 minutes.

Prizes and Categories

In addition to recognition and visibility, winning companies will receive cash prizes and support actions in innovation hubs worldwide. There are several award categories, including the Regional Prize, the Special Accésit Award (in the Sustainability and Deeptech categories), and the Emprende 21 Challenges Award, which recognizes companies with the greatest potential to address future challenges.

Join us!

We invite you to join us at this exciting event as we compete for the top prize in the Navarre finals of the Emprende 21 Awards. Together, we can achieve great things!


We believe that KRONIS should win in the Navarre finals of the Emprende 21 Awards due to our innovation, potential impact, contribution to the community, and opportunity for national and international recognition. We are committed to success and growth, and this award would be a significant step in our journey towards business excellence. Although reaching this stage is already a recognition award, which motivates us to continue developing the platform and continue helping our users.

Get ready for our next big update, as we could be celebrating together! See you on May 9th.

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